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  1. A

    3 then 2 now 1

    Just 3 weeks ago I had 3 vehicles. My daughter totaled her 1997 Blazer 36,000 miles, rear ending a PU. :( No problem. No one was hurt :) and she needed a job anyway so I figure it's a good opportunity to have her get a job, save some money, put it with the pay off and get a vehicle she...
  2. A

    Almost a Houseboat !

    Way back when my Dad had his first (and only boat) we took my Godparents camping for the weekend at Alamo Lake. We had a 28’ motor home and 16 ft tri-hull I/O. Dad backed the rig down the ramp, waded out to the boat and backed it off the trailer. <br /><br />My godfather was supposed to drive...