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  1. P

    Who's manning the hoses?,2933,295498,00.html Too dern funny....
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    Political joke

    While walking down the street one day a US senator is tragically hit by a truck and dies. His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance. "Welcome to heaven," says St. Peter. "Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these...
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    A topical joke....

    Iran has declined to suspend the enrichment of uranium. Not to be outdone, the Bush administration has declined to suspend the enrichment of Halliburton.
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    For you WWII history buffs... Enjoy the panoramic photos.
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    Beltway Madam Client List!!

    Deborah Pelfrey, a madam in the D.C. (now that's funny!) area is threatening to sell her client list to raise money for her legal issues. Anybody want to try to list who they think will be on the list? This could be funny!!
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    Why I quit bar hopping with my father...

    SAN JOSE, Costa Rica - A tour group of U.S. senior citizens fought off a group of muggers in Costa Rica, killing one of the assailants, police said Thursday. The tourists’ bus was held up by three men armed with a gun and knife in the Caribbean coastal town of Limon after the group arrived on a...
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    Radar Camera catch speeding LEO

    From FOX News A Georgia couple appeared before a judge Wednesday to answer charges that they allegedly stalked a police officer whom they caught speeding in their neighborhood. Lee and Teresa Sipple set up a $1,200 system of video cameras and radar outside their home to catch speeders driving...
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    Military Court Martials for civilian contractors and journalist It seems odd to me that this did not receive any real press. I first I thought it was a hoax. It will be interesting if someone is charged and it is challenged constitutionally. I would have to review the Uniform Code of Military...
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    Some good news on the Fed. Deficit. Seems tax revenue is up and federal spending is not up as much.
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    A Non-Political information website

    One thing I have noticed is that there are frequent requests by respondents on a topic of someone to substantiate a position by linking to a "credible, non-political link or website." Not trying to quote any members in particular so the above is just a paraphrase of what I have read. Not sure...
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    Plan for the war in Iraq, created by recently killed Captain. The above link will take you to a stick man presentation done by Captain Partiquin of the US Army. He died recently along with a female Public Relations officer.
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    Empires of the Middle East Very interesting display of the different empires that have existed in the Middle East.
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    Thank you Tyme2fish!

    I received the fishing line today. Thank you very much!! I can't wait till spring when I can spool it up and do some fishing. Best Wishes, Parrott_head
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    Jack Abramoff may rat out some Democrats! This was posted just a bit ago on ABC news. Seems Jack may reveal up to eight "seriously corrupt" Democrats. If he does and the accusations are confirmed by another source then I hope they ride them out of town on a rail!!
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    Who will jump ship.

    I've been doing a little reading of various analysis of the recent election. Many of the incumbents that lost were moderates Republicans. Most of the Democrats that were elected are conservative Democrats. What one analysis made a claim of was now both parties have moved further to the...
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    One suggestion for our political leadership.

    I have an idea. If you could suggest one item for our political leadership to adopt, what would it be? For me it would be taking the Ethics Committee out of the respective houses and making them independent. The House and Senate would answer to one committe made up of seven retired judges who...
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    Medal of Honor due this man?

    I think so.... Sorry, you will have to C and P this one. The comma causes problems for the code.,2933,220757,00.htm and remember to put www in front of it for World Wide Wait....
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    Task Force Ike: Military action possible? Seems to be some pretty serious saber rattling going on.
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    Political Nostradamus?

    Ok, the elections are about four weeks away. There has been a bit of a politcal bombshell what with the Foley situation and all. Does anyone care to predict the next four weeks and the outcome of the elections? The rules to this topic are: No bad mouthing the other guys candidates, party or...
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    Texas Voter Poll, Illegal Aliens

    Latest Kinky Friedman (Texas Governor hopeful) telephone poll results on whether or not people in Texas think illegal immigration is a serious problem: 41%: "Yes, it is a serious problem." 59%: "No hablo ingles."