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    91 Merc 4 kicks then dies - Low primary compression?

    Motor worked fine then suddenly decided to not start next time I went to use it. It occasionally kicks and runs for under a second before dying. <br /><br />Anyone any ideas on why it won't run? Does this sould electrical or fuel related? Would a damaged coil produce these symptoms? <br /><br...
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    Merc 4 does not start / weak spark

    1991 Merc 4 suddenly decided not to start - has been very reliable up till now. Carb / fuel system is fine (checked and re-built carb). <br /><br />With spark plug removed, the spark is orange, not blue. Changed the plug and that didn't help - even tried changing the lead for an old car one and...
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    Suzuki DT25 Carb Adjustment

    Hi, I have a '92 Suzuki DT25 and am trying to find out the best way to adjust the pilot screws to the best posn. My service manual tells me they should be 1 to 1.5 turns out (from seated posn) but how do I optimise them. <br /><br />On single carb engine I just turned screw at idle and set it at...
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    Suzuki 25 Oil Injection - low power and Alarm Buzzer

    I have a '94 Suzuki 25 oil injection electric start. Got it on a boat which I purchased last week. The engine had not been used for a while but previous owner had been regularly turning it over, injecting oil into cylinders etc. When I took the boat away, engine was running pretty roughly...