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  1. M

    Volvo 290 Stern Drive Popping out of gear

    The stern drive (290) pops out of gear at higher rpms-i.e., propeller stopped turning, and the rpms reved up (because no longer in gear).<br /><br />It will drive/propel at low rpms, but it pops out of gear at about 1700 rpms.<br /><br />Also, it idles great, but when I put it into gear and...
  2. M

    My Volvo AQ151B Points are Burning Up!

    Please help. What would be causing my points to burn up on my 1988 Volvo 4cy.gas I/O AQ151B. <br /><br />It was running, died, checked for spark, no spark, points looked burned out, replaced with old points, wire melted on points to condenser. Replaced condenser, points, distrib. cap, rotor...