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  1. C

    Motor needs help.

    Both cylinders* my mistake. Yea I'm thinking that's the most popular opinion is ditch that grenade and go with a different motor. I appreciate all the confirmation to what I suspected before spending stupid money to hear what I already knew.
  2. C

    Motor needs help.

    Unfortunately it would prob be a hired job simply because I don't have the time. It sucks to because I have an identical motor for parts but it's a mechanical trim instead of power trim and from what I read I can't just put the power trim on the spare motor. I also tried taking just the power...
  3. C

    Motor needs help.

    Haha that's what I was thinking but I was hoping someone would hopefully have some secret news for me to a simple fix. I'm in nh.
  4. C

    Motor needs help.

    I have an 86 mercury 35 hp motor and it runs real rough. Just for some back story to maybe help diagnose. I had it on the river at the end of the season, was running fine then on the way back to the launch it started knocking and died. Figured swap the plugs because finger crossed it was just...
  5. C

    Motor and power trim swap on 35hp

    Hey everyone, So I was having motor issues earlier this summer that I had fixed then next thing you know it was making a horrible rapping sound (sounded like crank bearing to me), top end had 135psi in each cylinder so automatically I figured it was bottom end. When it did it it shut down and...
  6. C

    Mercury 35 hp outboard timing

    So update went to go take the carb out again and found that my float bowl vent jet was missing. And come to think of it iv never remembered it being there. Could that be the culprit?
  7. C

    Mercury 35 hp outboard timing

    I thought it was the tank and primer so I switched them out with my other tank for my smaller mercury (8 hp instead of 30) and it's still doing it. So far iv changed tanks, checked fuel pump for torn diaphragm or gunk, cleaned the carb including jet ports and float needle seat, it's 100% fuel...
  8. C

    Mercury 35 hp outboard timing

    Still can't figure this darn motor out went out and I got it running decent, then tried going out yesterday about 2 weeks from the last time and it just died after 45 seconds again. Link below is video of it running today.
  9. C

    Mercury 35 hp outboard timing

    It kind of just bogged and died like it lost all fuel supply. Gas tank vent was open haha iv done that before. I'm thinking maybe change hose from tank to motor as precautionary?
  10. C

    Mercury 35 hp outboard timing

    Iv been tinkering with itittle adjustments at a time but we were heading across Ed the lake at full throttle and it was going great for about a minute or so and then just died completely like it lost all fuel intake. Iv cleaned carbs twice now made sure no clogs in any jets or ports. Also check...
  11. C

    Mercury 35 hp outboard timing

    Compression is 135 in both cylinder. I'm on the lake now it's running ok but rough starting and almost has to be choked the first 2 seconds and then run back to flip the choke off. Could it be as simple as doing in the air/fuel screw to where it's happy?
  12. C

    Mercury 35 hp outboard timing

    Ok so let me explain some more. I never messed with the maximum timing advance. And I never messed with the actual timing. Iv only messed with the screws in the pictures below. Got it running again and everything seems to be back to normal but still will die in neutral. Unless I immediately give...
  13. C

    Mercury 35 hp outboard timing

    So I have a mercury 35 hp that ran perfect last year beside low speed idle. I got through the season and then cleaned carbs and put new plugs in. This year its been nothing but issues after messing with the screws trying to get the low idle better. Come to find out after reading a thread on here...