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  1. R

    1969 Merc 110 Fuel Line Assembly

    Thanjs guys! I appreciate the input, very helpful. I’ll keep you updated!
  2. R

    1969 Merc 110 Fuel Line Assembly

    Wow, I didn’t expect such a quick response! Thanks for the input! So far, what I know is that the previous owner (a good friend) said it has a leaky carb. It definitely has compression though so that’s good, and everything looks to be in near-new condition. And good to know about the connector...
  3. R

    1969 Merc 110 Fuel Line Assembly

    Hey all, I have a 1969 Merc 110 9.8 hp outboard I’m trying to get running and, being new to boating I have no idea if this is the right fuel line assembly. If this isn’t the right assembly, can someone please let me know what assembly would work? Thanks!