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  1. mattpletz

    1990 Yamaha Pro 50 2-Stroke - trouble starting, now it won't start

    I don't have either. I'd like to have a service manual for it, but can't find one. Found the clue on this forum here:
  2. mattpletz

    1990 Yamaha Pro 50 2-Stroke - trouble starting, now it won't start

    PROBLEM SOLVED! Turns out it's user error. There is a solenoid valve (#41 in the picture above) attached to the lower carburetor that activates when the toggle switch near the key is switched on. It injects a bit of fuel to help get it started. From what I've learned, my model is between models...
  3. mattpletz

    1990 Yamaha Pro 50 2-Stroke - trouble starting, now it won't start

    Update: finally got some starter fluid. Motor fires instantly when sprayed into the carb throat on a cold start just by turning the key.
  4. mattpletz

    1990 Yamaha Pro 50 2-Stroke - trouble starting, now it won't start

    Mine doesn't have the fuel enricher PrimeStart attached to the carbs like I've seen. Pic to show... Good point about the Fast Idle lever. I left it down and tried it up just a bit and same result - no start.
  5. mattpletz

    1990 Yamaha Pro 50 2-Stroke - trouble starting, now it won't start

    CaptnKingFisher - thank you, that test sequence is helpful. I will perform those tests shortly. I have tried using two separate fuel tanks. Both tanks were delivering fuel a couple weeks ago when I first ran the boat. 99yam40 - yes, cowling is off and the silencer. The switch does activate...
  6. mattpletz

    1990 Yamaha Pro 50 2-Stroke - trouble starting, now it won't start

    Forgive my terminology. I meant the Prime Switch was clicked up (it returns back to the same position after being clicked up) with the fast idle lever up. Sorry, I've never owned a Yamaha before, so this is new to me.
  7. mattpletz

    1990 Yamaha Pro 50 2-Stroke - trouble starting, now it won't start

    Hello everyone - thank you in advance for your input. Would love to hear some suggestions & ideas as I'm out of them now. I suspect a fuel issue, but can't sort it out. I'm a backyard repair guy for small engines at best. MOTOR: 1990 Yamaha Pro50 2-Stroke, Model Type Code: 6H5 / Model 50D...