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  1. T

    Winterizing New Suzuki DF25A

    While I appreciate the obvious and would love to be out there boating, sometimes life gets in the way. Hence the question, only one hour run time.
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    Winterizing New Suzuki DF25A

    Time, unfortunately
  3. T

    Winterizing New Suzuki DF25A

    Thanks, the question I originally asked was new engine and gear oil, then boat used for only ~1 hour at low speed. Draining seems excessive.
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    Winterizing New Suzuki DF25A

    Makes sense, the issue I'm struggling with is simply the waste.... A number of sites suggest running the motor every few weeks/months. That's just as likely to put water back in a leaky system - the engine oil currently looks fine and I'll check the gear oil for any milkiness - and again, I may...
  5. T

    Winterizing New Suzuki DF25A

    Thanks for the answer, but not actually the question I was asking. The manual suggests changing gear and engine oil, which is normal, but with less than an hour use, the oils are practically new and I've read may not need to be changed this first time round. Just looking for confirmation.
  6. T

    Winterizing New Suzuki DF25A

    I have a brand new Suzuki DF25A bought and rigged end of season and have only been able to put ~1 hour run time on her. To winterize (New England) is it necessary to change the gear and engine oils, or just run stabilized fuel for ~15 minutes?