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  1. R

    1977 merc 150 outboard bogs at WOT

    I did try pumping the bulb while running WOT and i still bog down, boat is a 1977 17' fiberglass larsen. As for the prop im unsure and currently at work. Compression was next on my list
  2. R

    1977 merc 150 outboard bogs at WOT

    Hello all and thanks for looking. I have a 1977 merc 150 outboard engine that bogs down at WOT, and i cant seem to figure out my issue, it will flat out "scream" while on muffs outside of the water but soon as i get the engine under load it bogs down. Here is the list i have already been...
  3. R

    1979 mercury 140 outboard

    thanks for the advice, when i was originally "adjusting my screws i set all between 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 turns, but when i adjusted i would adjust all 3 carbs every time i was under the impression that when i adjusted my needles i had to adjust all 3 carbs every time.
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    1979 mercury 140 outboard

    i tried to adjust my mixture screw on the lake during myast test run, and still having the issue
  5. R

    1979 mercury 140 outboard

    the idle mixture screw? im fairly new to adjusting carbs
  6. R

    1979 mercury 140 outboard

    Hello all, i have the above named motor and i just purchased it, i am having issues with it bogging down at WOT under load, it will not plane out and runs pretty crappy. this does not happen when its on muffs just when on load. i did 3 carbs rebuild kits and a fuel diaphragm kit, i re did all...