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  1. C

    Honda BF8D no start

    I went camping for 4 days. In order to start the motor I have to put a small vial of gas directly in spark plug hole. usually fired first or second pull. Once running ran perfect, idled, ran good at WOT as if nothing wrong. If it was a timing issue i feel like it would have a missfire. Also...
  2. C

    Honda BF8D no start

    Ok so hoping someone can tell me what I need to hear, I’m going camping tomorrow and not having a working motor would really put a dampener on things. I can get the motor running with fuel in the combustion chamber. Only way I can get it to start when cold. It idles and runs what sounds pretty...
  3. C

    Honda BF8D no start

    I ended up putting fuel into the combustion chamber and that worker way better. Got it to start it was miss firing but after a miniute I turned the choke off and it idles nice. But after leaving it for a few hours I went to start again and same thing does not want to fire. Repeating fuel in the...
  4. C

    Honda BF8D no start

    so after reading a little more I read that the low speed idle jet is notorious on these small hondas to clog up or crack. I took carb apart again this time removing the jet i did notice a crack so im gonna need a rebuild kit. I blew a whole bunch of carb cleaner and air and was able to see...
  5. C

    Honda BF8D no start

    So motor is only a few years old, worked like a dream last time i had it out on the water fires up first go. I never drained the fuel over the winter but i keep it in my garage so i did not think it would be an issue. Well I was wrong. Cannot for the life of me to get this thing running. Emptied...