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  1. O

    Plastic Gas Can Issues

    Reading up a bit more, the gas can is expanding as it's supposed to but another forum noted that with this design, the low-permeation requires a sealant. One recommendation was Permatex Aviation Form-A-Gasket No. 3, Model 13630512. I'll have to give this a try and let you know how it goes!
  2. O

    Plastic Gas Can Issues

    That was my first thought too but there was only about a gallon of gas in the container. I wouldn't expect leaking and that much expansion for being only 1/3 full.
  3. O

    Plastic Gas Can Issues

    Hi! It's a three gallon container and I had maybe a gallon in there when this happened. The tank was swollen some. Should I put downward pressure to compress the tank before screwing on the cap to give more room for expansion?
  4. O

    Plastic Gas Can Issues

    Can anyone help me understand what's happening here and how to fix it? I had an older, larger gas container but thought a smaller 3 gallon would suit my needs and be easier to manage. I used it for a day no problem. Kept it on the boat for a week and when I went back down this past weekend this...