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  1. J

    Honda BF130 Seized up - found oil in flywheel area

    I'm pretty sure my Honda is seized up. I removed the starter and found oil in and on the flywheel. This shouldn't be there, right?
  2. J

    Resolved: 1996 5.7L Scorpion Backfire

    Just started helping a friend with his boat problem....1996 Maxum with V-drive 5.7L Scorpion MPI. He told me that it idles fine, but when attempting to accelerate, that it backfires thru the arrestor. He bought the boat used, but has never been able to run it properly. So far has replaced the...
  3. J

    RESOLVED!: No joy....more 6.2L ECM questions (Newport Dave, Don S)

    Ok, this is in regards to my previous post: <br />6.2L Mercruiser Alarms<br />I believe I have the cooling problem solved. I took it for a test run today after changing the riser gaskets. The manifolds and risers are "cool" to the touch and not steaming.<br /><br />I still, however, have the...
  4. J

    Not to beat a dead horse....6.2L ECM Function??

    This is in regards to my previous post:<br /><br />6.2L Mercruiser Engine Alarms<br /><br />The first day I had this boat out I did let the temperature creep up to 212 and the alarm went off. This was in idle after running hard. The previous owner told me it would do this if I did not idle it...
  5. J

    6.2L Mercruiser Engine Alarms

    I recently bought a used 2002 Caravelle with a 6.2L Mercruiser. The previous owner had modiifed it. The Bravo I was replaced with an Alpha I SS (low water pickups, no gear lube monitor) and the captains call exhuast was replaced with straight thru the transom exhaust.<br /><br />The day I...