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  1. D

    Transitioning Boat from old trailer to new

    I have an interesting issue. I would like to transition my 18 ft Sea Ray bowrider from the trailer it is currently sitting on to a new trailer that I am purchasing. The current trailer is a Load Rite Roller and the new trailer is going to be a bunk trailer. I must accomplish this on land as...
  2. D

    Pressure Relief Valve Question

    I have a 1989 mercury V135, OC219126 is the serial number if that will help anyone. I am looking for a pressure relief valve kit as I suspect that is the problem from some of the other postings I have read. Does anyone know where I can find that on a drawing and a part number for it? Thanks for...
  3. D

    load rite hubs?

    In the course of trying to get my trailer to pass inspection I have found out that Load rite hubs are different than the average over the counter hubs. Does anyone know how I can tell what size I need. The trailer depot has both hubs and they are identical except one is a 5.5 outer and one is a...
  4. D

    Mixed alarm problems

    I have a 1989 Mercury 135HP V6, oil injected. I have read multiple post on the forum and gotten some very useful trouble shooting, now I have a problem that seems to be a combination of everyone's alarm problems so I was wandering if anyone has encountered this one, or have any advice. I first...
  5. D

    Pre purchase question????

    I think I found a really good deal on a 16ft center console with a 50HP Force outboard. The boat and engine are 10 years old but the engine only has about 10hrs on it from what the seller says. <br /><br />Are there any known problems with this year model, what should I look for before buying...