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  1. D

    Leaky Carb, 1992 40H 2 Stroke Mercury Model # 1040411MD

    On my 1992 40H 2 Stroke Mercury Model # 1040411MD, I recently removed, cleaned and reinstalled both carbs, with new gasket kits. On a recent trip, the outboard ran great. I noticed when starting, the carbs leak a little. At home, I see that the small leak happens when I use the priming bulb...
  2. D

    Carb Cleaning with "white gas"?

    I was talking with an old Northwoods outboard repair guy and small marine store owner last Sept. 2020, about cleaning my carbs with Gumout before my trip. He said "you don't need any of that expensive stuff, just run some white gas through the carbs and it'll clean them right up". I was...