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  1. F

    1983 Suzuki DT-60 Outboard Not Running Well

    Sea Rider, that's a great point about vibration causing the idle screw to loosen. I'll definitely add that to my checklist.
  2. F

    1983 Suzuki DT-60 Outboard Not Running Well

    Sea Rider: good point, I have not checked idle rpm. Judging by my ear, though, the idle seems normal. You're right, though, I should verify the idle rpm with the book setting. 99yam40: good thoughts on checking the basics. I also wondered if the timing somehow changed.
  3. F

    1983 Suzuki DT-60 Outboard Not Running Well

    We have an 83 DT-60 outboard that has been running great for a long time but just last season started having some problems. We've always taken good care of it and had it serviced when needed. It has only been in freshwater. It isn't idling well, and often dies when putting it into gear. Can...
  4. F

    Can I Tow Small Kids On Tube Using Factory U-Bolts In Transom?

    My family has a 1981 aluminum Lund fishing boat. There are two factory installed u-bolts in the transom. We are going on vacation in a few weeks and I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if these u-bolts are strong enough to pull my kids (three girls under 12 years old) on a tube. Nothing...