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  1. T

    2007 18hp Nissan gasket question

    I have a 2007 18hp short shaft four stroke motor I'm having to replace the mid section drive shaft cover the book calls for two gaskets and a plate in between the power head and mid section but my motor only had one gasket and no plate in the between the power head and mid section does anyone...
  2. T

    Prop selection

    Good evening I wanted to get some input on prop brand selection on a 2016 Tahoe 400ts with a 3.0 mpi Mercruser my size is a 14 1/2 × 19 I have used the Mercury black max and the Solas rubic 3 I was impressed with the black max I get 40mph with the Tahoe is one manufacturer better than another...
  3. T

    2016 Tahoe 400ts ice cooler

    Hi new to the forum I just got a 2016 Tahoe 400ts with the 3.0 mpi mercruser and love the boat my question is when I got the boat the ice cooler that was supposed to be under the middle aft seat was missing does anyone know where this can be purchased or what is the correct size thanks in advance