Search results

  1. J

    boat not loading straight!

    Any advice out there for a guy who can't seem to get his boat to load evenly onto the keel roller of a roller model trailer, even on a CALM day, with out wind & the trailer evenly in the water? I've had people on the lake tell me everything from "the trailer can only be with the lights in the...
  2. J

    dirty spark plug boots

    anynie got any good tips on cleaning these? I got a lot of grease build up on them...or should I just replace 'em?
  3. J

    steering lubrication

    My motor (95/90hp johnson) squeaks a little when steering, so I put marine grease on the horizontal shaft (unsure what the part is exactly called, but I'm sure those experienced w/ repairs know what I'm refering to) anyways I noticed 2 zercs (spelling?) on the front of the cowling, atop this...
  4. J

    Tilt/trim question.....

    Does anyone know if the fluid used for this is the same as automotive power streeing fluid?
  5. J


    Does anyone know where to find owners manuals for these boats? Crestliner website was no help, neither was the dealer I purchased it at. They don't have them on here (iboats) either...
  6. J

    bottomline tournament pro conversion?

    Does anyone know if there is an adaptor I can put on a Bottomline tournament pro, so I can use a "side finder" transducer?<br /><br />Thanks.
  7. J

    why is it so hard to find...

    a winch post? Can anyone tell me where I can get a 3" x 3" x (approx.) 21" box tube wench post? I already tried had nada.<br /><br />Your help & cooperation in the matter is greatly appreciated!
  8. J

    spartan trailer, need parts

    Hey all,<br /> does anyone know where I can find some parts for a Spartan trailer? They were a company based out of West St. Paul, MN that is now defunct. I also need to know the official name of the post that is upright, bolted onto the trailer, itself, that holds the wench? Is it called the...
  9. J

    anchor rein

    Anyone have any experience with these? Made by's a recoiling anchor rope system that tucks under the gunwale. Can anyone tell me how big/weight of an anchor they can hold....any opinions on these?
  10. J


    Does anyone use these? The pulley system with experience is that they are junk.....the only anchor I can seem to get them to pull are small mushroom anchors. Because of my boat layout I can only mount them horizontally...anyone got any advice on a good anchoring system? I need...
  11. J

    foot controller sticking

    I have a MinnKota AutoPilot trolling motor that keep sticking to the right, & steering that way. I have replaced the battery. Any ideas why this is happening? Should I replace the footpad?
  12. J


    Why does my used bow mount minnkota auto-pilot trolling motor keep spinning right or left when I use the foot pad?????
  13. J

    engine body problem

    I cannot figure out how to remove the lower (not the bottom) cowling/pan on my 1995 90hp Johnson...I have 2 manuals now & neither of them say how to do it...& for the life of me I cannot figure it out, unless I need to remove the powerhead to do so, which seems a little extreme. I am trying to...
  14. J

    removing a lower cowling...

    can anyone tell me how to do this on a 90hp 1995 johnson? I'm trty to replace the thermostats.<br />Appreciate the help
  15. J

    got another question

    yeah it's me again pestering you all to pick your brains, but i want an opinion. I am unable to charge my batteries on a regular basis, but i'm a big fan of using my trolling motor. I have an on-board charger & some extra deep cycle batteries....would it be a bad idea to get a device (believe i...
  16. J

    what is the point?

    hey all,<br /> really appreciate all the help i get on this site. i gotta lotta questions cuz i like to do things right! so here goes: what is the point in connecting a ground cable b/w 2 batteries? does this make a continuous circuit or is it just a safety issue?
  17. J

    need a wizard....

    ....Mr. Wizard, that is.....what happens when you overfill a battery?
  18. J

    battery chargers

    Hey all, Hope someone can help me out here.....what is the difference between a regular battery charger & a "on-board" charger, such as a minnkota 220. Also if someone can tell me if this is a bad configuration: 1 (starting/deep cycle battery) for motor & depth finder) 2nd battery) trolling...
  19. J

    how easy is it to.....

    ....replace a thermostat in a 90hp johnson?
  20. J

    water pump

    hey do you all recommend replacing the thermostat when replacing the impeller? or is that something that doesn't need to be done @ the same time?