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  1. F

    can I get any more?

    Hello I'm running 1997 286 pro dc 18' sprint bass boat. It has a 1992 150 fast strike. It has a 24 raker prop. I have been tring to set my jack plate. On the second to last run I have done the rpm's went to 6200 my speed was at 55-60. I brought the boat in and rised my jackplate 1/2" Ran...
  2. F

    Sea doo worth??

    Hello I have a 2000 seadoo xp lt. I had my engine out to go threw it since it was not winterized right. During that time it was stolen so now I have a useless seadoo. I need to know how much the seadoo is worth without the motor. Or if anyone knows were I could get a complete motor assemply...
  3. F

    Need Help!

    Hello I'm very new to this! I have been reviewing alot of post and other web sites. I can not come up with the same answer twice. I'm in need of a complete adjustment procedure for my jack plate. I have a 1997 sprint 286 dc pro 18ft bass boat. I have a 1992 150hp Johnson faststrike motor with...