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  1. M

    1992 Evinrude 15 HP - Need Help On Conversion

    I'd like to convert a 1992 15hp Evinrude from tiller steering to cable steering, shift/throttle cables. I have the steering all set, but am having trouble finding the correct shift/throttle cables. I tried this: but the ends that attach to the motor...
  2. M

    Islander 221

    I'm thinking of upgrading from a Fishmaster 160 to an Islander 221. It seems like an awful nice set-up but I don't know if I should look for an I/O or outboard. Does anyone have any ideas which is better for this boat. I kinda like the idea of the back end being wide open for fishing. If you...
  3. M

    1986 Merc Pwr Trim/Tilt

    My 1986 Merc 50hp 3 cyl. has never had a power trim/tilt on it and my back is starting to give out from lifting it manually. Can anyone advise where to look for a reliable used complete unit? I checked on this site, but it's only new or seperate parts & not all of what I need. Nothing on ebay...