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  1. M

    Canvas Prep

    I'm replacing the canvas on my T top. The cobia tower and antenae brackets require me to put screws through the canvas. Should I use something to prevent the canvas from freying around those holes? If so what?
  2. M

    Honda B100 won't start.

    I'm pretty sure I've got the timing right now. (See Honda B100 Timing) The cam had a dot and I found the dot on cylinder head. The T is lined up with mark on rear boss. The plugs fire when out of the head. To avoid carburetor issues I'm spraying starter fluid in the intake. Could the...
  3. M

    Honda B100 Timing

    I'm trying to salvage my Honda B100S-1706359 (not sure what year) that was submerged in saltwater during Huricane Ivan. Two big mistakes were leaving it untouched for 5 months and removing the timing belt without noting the position. I've got everything freed up but don't know where to align...