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  1. T

    Control Cables Questions

    I have a 1980 50 HP Johnson and I recently purchased a control box over EBAY that has control cables that mysteriously shrunk from 16' to 10' in transit. Live and learn. Anyway, I want to make sure I get the right things to replace the short cables. <br /><br />The motor ends of the cables are...
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    Aluminum Repair

    I removed a piece of plywood from the transom of my 1967 Starcraft aluminum boat yesterday and found a lot of pitting and a few small holes in the aluminum. I'm not sure if the previous owner put the plywood on to cover/protect this area or if the plywood helped to case the damage.<br /><br />I...
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    Control Cables

    I have a 1980 50 HP Johnson and I recently purchased a control box over EBAY that has control cables that mysteriously shrunk from 16' to 10' in transit. Live and learn. Anyway, I want to make sure I get the right things to replace the short cables. <br /><br />The motor ends of the cables are...
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    Clymer vs Seloc

    What is the difference between these two manuals? Is one easier to follow than the other?<br /><br />tx<br />tedd
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    Johnson wiring question

    I've been searching in vain for a used control box with all the connections for my 1980 50 hp Johnson motor. To buy it new, if I could find one, would cost more than I paid for the motor. I noticed on EBay (item number 1800203592) one that came off of a 1978 55 hp Johnson. I hope someone can...
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    Recommended Reading

    I purchased an 19' aluminum deep-v boat that is pretty much stripped except for the steering. As I'm pretty new at this, I'm looking for books to read that will explain the does and don'ts of setting the boat up and basic seamanship. I've had small boats before but nothing where electronics were...
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    Transom Question

    The plywood screwed on to the back of the transom is looking really tired. It's attached with about 20-30 screws. Should I just unscrew it and put a new one on? Do I fill in the old screw holes with something? The transom is wood.
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    Questions from a beginner

    I purchased a 1968 19' Starcraft deep-v aluminum boat and I've recently been given an 1980 50HP Johnson Seahorse. The boat is pretty much stripped except for the steering and I am trying to pick-up a control box for it. I see the auctions on Ebay for control boxes and I am wondering how do I...