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    How to remove broken off Stainless steel screw

    In removing Remote Control ( Yamaha 704 Remote Control) two screws that hold one of the mounting brackets to the RC housing broke. Any suggestions on removing them? Thanks
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    Yamaha control cables cracked----

    Is there any way to repair/ re-coat control cables for Yamaha 90 hp 2 stroke (2003) ? Although they still work, the outer covering is cracked. Is there any way to re-coat or repair without replacing? Thanks
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    2003 Yamaha 90HP How can Tachometer be added?

    How can console tachometer be added to 2003 Yamaha 90TLRB ? 3 cyl 1140 cc
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    2003 Yamaha 90HP Misses intermittently with Hard Stall

    I recently got a 2003 Yamaha 90HP 2-Stroke Engine; Model TLRB 3 Cylinders 1140cc that had sat for 2-1/2 or 3 years. It cranks easily and runs at idle (with earmuffs) but after warming up will miss with a HARD STALL. BEFORE attempting to start, we drained the old fuel, oil, carburetor drain...