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  1. H

    '01 OptiMax Powerhead replacement

    Kind of a noob question here, but I looked through the archives on this forum without much luck:<br /><br />What are your opinions on an experienced automotive engine mechanic being able to REPLACE (not rebuild) a powerhead on a 225 '01 Opti?<br /><br />If feasible, what is the recommended...
  2. H

    Older Grady White - will I be in trouble?

    Howdy -<br />New to the forum, but really looks like some good information here, so I'll post a question:<br /><br />My family's been fishing off of a '79 Sea Ox Center for the last 10 years or so. It's come time to "upgrade," as the floors in the the ole Ox are getting spongy.<br /><br />We've...