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  1. S

    Well, I did it...

    I guess I can't be a member here anymore:-) I sold my boat last Saturday...gonna buy a motorhome, so now I will have a land yacht instead of a water craft...the nerve of some people, huh!!!??? The good thing is I made a nice profit on the sale, and the guy who bought it called me a couple days...
  2. S

    Me today

    Stress has got the best of me this week...I have been in the process of buying a house, changing jobs, and other things...I am now officially sick, so as to start the new job Monday in the right atmosphere...this is the way I feel!!!!<br /><br />
  3. S

    New DANGEROUS SpyWare

    Folks this came out from our Corporate IT Division this morning, and I guarantee it's real.<br /><br />The letter in it's entirety except for the Corporate Identification I took out for security purposes:<br /><br /> Hi Everyone<br /><br />There is a new deadly Spyware out there called Ceres. It...
  4. S

    Oblivion (The GRRRR! Lexicon)

    Some of you may have seent his already, but I loved it as soon as I read it!! It is SOOOOOOO true!!! Here is the link if you wish to check it out for yourself:,2933,126808,00.html <br /><br />Oblivion (oh-bliv-éon) — A person who is so oblivious to his or her...
  5. S

    Here we go AGAIN!!!!!

    Father Charged With Schoolgirl's Murder<br /><br />,2933,145706,00.html <br /><br />Just makes me sick.
  6. S

    Bank Robber Itemizes Cost of Gun,2933,145513,00.html <br /><br />Now, that IS reachin'!!!!!!!
  7. S

    More than you ever wanted to know about...and were afraid to ask!!!

    Long post, but definitely worth the read!!! This could be a life saving post for some who have never read up on this subject!!! At the end of the read, is the link to complete your education...<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br /><br />Could you tell me the effects of long-term...
  8. S

    Question for EEBOATER

    Know what would look really cool? To have that Avatar as only one ball, and as it rotates, a smile on one side, and JEEP on the other :D
  9. S

    Tell us what offends you most!!

    Unfortunately, it seems that there are more and more instances of what offends folks, and poor JB has to be the middle man and then take the blame for his job being done properly.<br /><br />Seems to me that if we would just HONESTLY list things ehre that offend YOU, not what YOU think offends...
  10. S

    Peanut story for Link!!

    Well, many will recall the Post about needing a recipe for BOILED P-NUTS, and I got lots!!! Link was so kind as to provide me with a 5# package of raw p-nuts for my first go round at this venture, so I wanna make a public THANK YOU!!! He actually bought them, mailed them to me, and sent a...
  11. S

    Words, and fun with them!!

    Arbitrator: A cook that leaves Arby's to work at McDonald's.<br /> <br />Asphalt: Rectum trouble <br /><br />Avoidable: What a bullfighter tries to do. <br /><br />Baloney: Where some hemlines fall. <br /><br />Bernadette: The act of torching a mortgage <br /><br />Burglarize: What a crook sees...
  12. S

    Radio Control Airplane Hobby

    I posted this on the Dockside Chat but am really interested in getting back into the RC Airplane hobby / Sport(?), and am interested in advice, thoughts, adventures, and unused Used hardware anyone may have lying around they would like to rid their garage of...if you do, I can provide my email...
  13. S

    RC Airplane Hobby

    Are there any RC airplane hobbyists here on the board? I was once into it a few years back, but never got good and lost a very expensive plane I built by allowing it to get out of range and it just flew off into the wild blue yonder. I did find pieces of it hanging in a tree about a 1/4 mile...
  14. S

    A strange name indeed!!

    Just finished reading Kiwi's post about a drunk-driving incident, and the name of the city the guy lived in, Pukehoe. Which led me to think of some of the strange city names I have encountered over the few short years I have lived around the US.<br /><br />There was Monk's Corner in South...
  15. S

    Talk about email fraud!! is fast becoming popular!! Here is an email I received from an ad on there:<br /><br />To: (my email address) <br />Subject: payment address needed <br />From: "NELSON" <> Add to Address Book <br />Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2005 04:01:54 -0500 (EST) <br /><br /> <br...
  16. S

    Top city in USA to live in... <br /><br />Do you who live there agree??? I thought my old home town, Lithonia, GA would be the top place...but I guess they didn't like country places:-)
  17. S

    A beautiful thought and poem!!!

    This was written by Erma Bombeck when she learned she was dying from cancer, but the thought is so true for all of us here and everywhere...after reading this, call or go see someone you love dearly and tell them!!!<br /><br /><br /> "If I Had Life to Live Over Again"<br /><br />I would have...
  18. S

    This is a question for EEB...

    What's up with the Avatar? Just wondering what BestBuy did to ya to use that for an avatar...I thought posting this in the WalMart gripe section but that horse is almost dead I think...need something new to get some gripes on :D ;) :cool: :rolleyes:
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    A WalMart gripe...grrrrrrrrr

    Back when the WalMart in our town opened, a few years back, the manager, Kevin, was a friend of mine and actually even was a member of our church, along with his nice wife. The rules were very slack then, and if you found an item in a competing store, you just went in adn told the Customer...
  20. S

    Talking to the wife on the phone!!!