Search results

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    Engine vs. Motor

    what determines the difference between an engine and/or a motor?
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    Ahoy Cabin Boy

    enjoy your uniqueness. wear it with pride... you earned it lol
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    How do promotions happen?

    i was a first mate in the morning and noticed i was a captain in the afternoon! how did that happen?<br /><br />and what is an admiral?
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    what happened???

    last week i was a first mate. today i notice i'm a captain. who promoted me and why? do i have any extra duties? do i get more pay? a uniform? a hat? a bigger ship? now that i know all the meanings of WOT, am i more valued??<br /><br />( Wendy On Tim )
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    cheap fix.........

    all my rpm problems were solved by tightening down a loose condensor. now.if i could only grow my hair back!
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    what does WOT mean?

    can't figure it out!!
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    what does WOT mean?

    can't figure it out!!
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    timing question

    2.5L 140 hp omc.<br />at 600rpm timing right on at 4* btdc. at 2500rpm the timing mark advances but the pulley apears to be jerking back and forth. any ideas?
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    2.5L 140hp surging problems

    the engine cuts out intermittently every few seconds for a split second, especially at high rpm's. i tested the fuel pump and it sends a good stream to the carb. do i have an electrical problem? it appeared suddenly, not over time
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    2.5L 140 hp surging problem

    the engine cuts out intermittently every few seconds for a split second, especially at high rpm's. i tested the fuel pump and it sends a good stream to the carb. do i have an electrical problem? it appeared suddenly, not over time.
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    4200-4600 RPM

    in my omc manual it lists the red line RPM's at 4200-4600 for all models of 4 6 & 8 cyls.<br /><br />i thought red line was red line. why the spread of 400 RPM?
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    Volvo sterndrive

    Thank you all for your prompt responses to my last inquiry. <br /><br />I bought the 280C drive. gear ratio is 1:98-1<br /><br />Next query. <br />Two boats. 21' bayliner with OMC 140 4 cyl.<br /><br /> 24' bayliner with penta 225D 305<br /><br />I have a chance to buy an OMC 350. I...
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    Volvo sterndrive

    bought an '85 24' bayliner. no outdrive.<br />engine is original volvo penta 225D 305.<br /><br />have a chance to pickup a 280 sterndrive or a 270 sterndrive. whats the diff?? do both support all size props?<br /><br />have to make the purchase tomorrow. :eek:
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    86 Bayliner 21ft "to all who gave me advice without an invoice"

    12footer.....thank you.<br /><br />Prop..I can only increase the dia.3/8"+-.<br />not sure of the pitch. called a dealer who looked up the model and said I had the right prop. (amazing.didn't try too sell me one. must'v been headin out the door).<br />I knew the pitch but forgot it. can't look...
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    86 Bayliner 21'. a tragedy in the making

    First boat ever. Bought Aug. 1 2001. I was the happiest person in the world. I bought it from the biggest liar in the world.<br /><br />1st week, engine temperature too high. "it's just a bad gauge, I have one at home I'll give you" said the liar<br /><br />2nd week, showing off boat to the...