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  1. B

    9.9/15 hp Suzuki Cuts out after idiling a short time

    Hey Yas<br /><br /> My 1988 9.9 Suzuki Kitted to a 15 hp ...Loads up pretty bad after a short ( approx. 1 min.) idling run.<br />The darn thing cuts out pretty bad coming off idle thru the mid range cleans up and then goes fine. ..any Ideas???<br /><br /> I've checked float level ( moved it...
  2. B

    9.9/15 hp Suzuki Cuts out after idiling a short time

    Hey Yas<br /><br /> My 1988 9.9 Suzuki Kitted to a 15 hp ...Loads up pretty bad after a short ( approx. 1 min.) idling run.<br />The darn thing cuts out pretty bad coming off idle thru the mid range cleans up and then goes fine. ..any Ideas???<br /><br /> I've checked float level ( moved it...