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  1. J

    1998 honda 90hp no tell tale new impeller

    I have a 1998 honda 90hp bf90 barely drizzles watter out of the tell tale at idle does pick up a little at throttle but not alot. New impeller was installed, tell tale tube is free of debris as well. Not overheating but i cant figure out where the water is going.
  2. J

    1997 new to me Johnson 90hp outboard bogs down above 1/2 throttle

    Idles great, runs great up to 1/2 throttle or so then above that bogs down immediately to a idle even though the controls are above 1/2 throttle. If i back it off and throttle up again it will run fine up to half throttle but not above, what could it be? There was also a intermittent alarm...
  3. J

    2000 90hp johnson tilt/trim not working, help

    I purchased a used 2000 90hp johnson so i do not know any history, put the boat in yesterday ran great. Sat at the dock overnight and I used it this morning for a few hours but when I came in to dock the motor tilted slow and stopped about halfway through the tilt....wont go up or down...