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  1. I

    need help with wet transom..

    hi, sorry to be asking another transom question, but i couldnt find much info on this. the lower half of my i/o maxum transom appearantly got wet last summer. the wood is wet, but still solid/strong. my plan of attack is to drill numerous small holes from inside the transom(to allow air in)...
  2. I

    need advice switching props

    hi, i have 19p aluminum prop on my 3.0 mercruiser/ 17' maxum. my rpms are way too high with this prop before i'm even at WOT. i'm looking to switch to SS, so should i stick with a 19p prop considering the added weight of SS or should move to a 21p? right now i'm running at 38 mph @ 5,000 rpms...
  3. I

    cant find service

    hi, i have a '96 polaris 750 that needs work. i live in northern nj and cant find ANYONE to work on this ski. they all claim they dont work on them anymore and cant get parts. any suggestions?? also, if its impossible to find someone to work on it, i'm just going to buy another used pwc around...
  4. I

    Side mirrors

    hey, i have an 18' maxum which i am looking to put side mirrors on. Do they make stick on(self adheased) mirrors that i could just mount on side? (something easy) If so, where could i find them? thanks <br />-Jamie
  5. I

    Causes of overheating?

    Hey, my Force 50 tends to overheat after about 15 min. of hard running, but still shoots water.The thing is, its not hot to where its pouring smoke, but hot to where it loses performance and is not touchable. The therm was jammed, so i just took it out.I dont understand what other ways these...