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  1. B

    1993 Johnson 150 -- grinding in reverse

    I used to slow shift until taught to shift quickly. The boat is used and has been doing this since I bought it but it seems to be getting worse and more annoying, so I want to fix it.
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    1993 Johnson 150 -- grinding in reverse

    I appreciate all replies. My motor grinds in reverse and is getting worse over time. I am assuming that the gear in the lower unit is bad. I'm debating on trying to do the work my self and would like to know everything that I should replace and what gotcha's are there that I need to be aware...
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    question on wiring harness

    I have put a 2003 yamaha 115hp 4cycle engine on my 21' pontoon boat. the engine is off of another boat. the wiring harness is short by about 4 ft. when i started looking for an extension I had trouble finding one with the same number of pins. turns out that the harness was modified by the...
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    2001 johnson 90 hp running rough & over heating

    I appreciate all replies.. My 90 hp 6 cyl at around 2500 rpms starts running very rough like several cylinders are missing. Under 2500 it is very smooth and runs fine. If I try to push it the overheating alarm will come on. I've replaced the plugs and one fuel line but no change. I need...