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  1. N

    wellcraft info..speed weight etc....

    hello,just have a couple of questions maybe you all can help with. i have a 1978 wellcraft v20 steplift with cuddy.i have a 1987 200 evinrude vro outboard.i have rebuilt the helm and have no data plate .i have no idea as to how many people or weight i can load on board.i went to
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    nuklhed says thanks

    hello fellows.<br />i just wanted to say thanks to everyone that has replied to my posts.<br />it sure is a nice thing when a first time boat owner such as myself can ask a bunch of questions and get a bunch of good answers,from seasoned veterans such as yourselves.<br />i know i asked a lot of...
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    hello everyone! how was the weekend?i have a few questions about my engine. the serial number is E200stlcua. i was told it is a looper.what is the difference between a looper and a cross flow? also what is the difference between a 60 degree engine and a 90 degree engine? and how can you tell the...
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    evinrude headaches

    took the boat out today,started out with fresh gas and oil.the engine tech at the local shop told me to use 100 octane gas mixed i did.and it didnt change a thing ,it still runs like crap! when it will stay running. well first of all the boat wont idle,it is still slugish and inside of...
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    evinrude information

    hello.i sure hope someone can help me. i just purchased my first boat. it is a 20' wellkraft with a evinrude engine.the engine cover has been painted but still has the v6 emblem as well as the vro emblem.i have a serial no. e200stlcua . can anyone give me any imformation on this engine? rpms...