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  1. K

    1986 235hp Johnson

    Does anyone know how much compreshion that this motor should have?
  2. K

    reply to dhadley about silenoids 72 evinrude

    We have power and I'm sure I have the right lube. What is the next step? Thank you for all your help!
  3. K

    72 elec. shift 70hp evinrude outboard

    Thank you DHadley. This only checks the power going to the silenoids? Is there away to check the silenoids themselves? :confused:
  4. K

    electric shift 72 50hp outboard

    Does anyone know how to check the silenoids in the lower unit? We have forward but the reverse only works 5% of the time. :rolleyes: This in an evinrude motor.
  5. K

    1972 50hp evinrude ele. shift.

    Does anyone know how to VOM test the electric shift on a 72 50hp evinrude? I know it can be done. I just don't remember how to do this. :rolleyes:
  6. K

    won't start

    I have a 1988 40hp evinrude outboard. I think the starter maybe bad. I had the armicture replaced and new brushes. The battery is good and the hot and ground wires are new. When I try to start the motor the starter won't turn the motor over. I can pull start the motor with no problem and it...