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  1. D

    Port temp sender test on J90plsct

    I have been having issues starting my 2003 90 hp johnson for some time and have been going through some trouble shooting. I have pulled the Port temp sender (Smartstart temp sender) to test. Im pretty sure there should be a resistance across the sender. Im getting open circiut on any ohm...
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    Sticky Throttle Linkage Johnson J90PLSTC

    Hi, I am trying to free up my throttle and have played around with (Throttle / Cables / Linkage) At this stage I have elimiated the Throttle and Cables as once I disconnect from the outboard they are fairly free. I then tested the Linkage by disengaging the Cam Spark Lever from the Arm Roller...
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    2003 Johnson 90 stalling after starting idle down.

    Hi All Have a slight issue with my johnson. Once it cold starts it usually revs higher for around 3 seconds then idles down. At this stage it is prone to stalling. I have to raise idle lever. Then once warm back idle lever off and put into gear to take off before it stalls. Does also happen...
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    Cant Create New Topic in "Johnson / Envinrude" Forum?????

    I dont get the button as seen in this screen dump
  5. D

    Cant Create New Topic in "Johnson / Envinrude" Forum?????

    Why cant I create a Topic in the Jonson / Envinrude" Forum. The create new topic button isnt showing. Rgds