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  1. J

    90hp Mercury Engine noise

    I have a 90hp late 80s 3cyl Carby Mercury. When the engine is running I hear a tapping noise from the motor similar to a car engine that needs tappet adjustments. Another similar sound i can compare it to is the the noise of early type fuel injection systems on cars? The motor runs perfectly...
  2. J

    Oil injection system Mercury 90hp

    Is there any easy way to check if the oil injection pump is operational? Can anyone advise on what they think of the oil injection system on Mercury motors? Are they reliable?<br /><br />In addition to the above, will it hurt if I premix oil in the fuel tank initially just until I am sure the...
  3. J

    Mercury 90hp tilt/trim problem query

    Hi, <br />I have a mercury 90hp 3cyl 2 stroke 1988 outboard. I cannot get the tilt/trim to operate. There is a clicking noise when I operate the up/down control but no motor noise. The battery is fully charged. before the trim stopped working I noticed that it was slow on startup then once it...