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  1. D

    Is it possible to spin props like this?

    this hasn't happened yet, just curious<br /><br />32' Cruisers with dual VP 7.4s. Hull is VERY dirty with barnacles. Local mechanic is claiming that the drag induced by the barnacles could either sping a prop or blow a motor, as the amount of added drag would really strain things.<br /><br...
  2. D

    VP DPX 7.4 no power

    We (my family) have a 1994 Cruisers 32' with dual VP 7.4 (454) IOs (dual opposing props). <br />We recently took it to a local shop to have the IOs serviced (it had been sitting for awhile). <br />Prior to being serviced,it ran reasonably well (got on plane, did ~30 knots at somewhere around...
  3. D

    Volvo 7.4L IO overheating

    Hi, I am a newbie, so please bear with me if I'm a bit ignorant. My family recently took possesion of a 1994 Rogue Cruisers with dual 1994 Volvo Penta 7.4L IOs. <br /> On the way home (on the Sacramento Delta) we (myself and some other newbies) put it in some mud, and both IOs sucked up...