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  1. F

    Honda 75 hp

    I transplanted my 2001 Honda 75 hp to a different boat. Now I cannot lower the engine from the tilt switch on the engine. It raises from this switch as well as raises and lowers from the shift control trim button. I did not change any wires during the process of moving the engine. Any idea...
  2. F

    1977 70 hp Evinrude 70773S

    Can a tachometer be connected to this engine? If so, where on the engine do the tach wires connect? I have read where some control boxes have a three prong plug below the friction bolt but mine does not. The engine is a transplant into a boat that previously had a much newer Honda with a tach...
  3. F

    4.3 Penta (1999) Sputters

    After sitting for a couple days the engine starts and runs perfectly until powering up to plane. Then engine sputters like it has water in fuel but clears up completely after about 6 - 8 minutes running at 3200 rpms. The water separator filter has no discernable water in it. I pulled the...