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  1. P

    I can't live without her!!!

    :p Sounds like the title of a bad (or good country song), but I'm referring to my boat..I've had her for almost 2 months, and I can't believe I waited this long...I'm sure you'll all agree with me on this one, and I hope it puts a smile on your face remembering the first hours on your own...
  2. P


    Well, it took a couple of months, but I suppose it was only a matter of time...depthfinder was working fine (showing 20-25 feet), I was within the marked areas, but close to the thing I know, the boat lurches and the engine raced..I was in 2 feet of water,and spitting...
  3. P

    proper temp range for a new volvo penta 5.0 GL

    Hey guys....just purchased a 2003 Seaswirl with a 5.O GL....I'm curious to see what a proper range is for the temp...was running @ 180 degrees during the first few hours of op.....mainly kept the speed at 30, with the rpm range @ these typically run at a higher temp when new, then...