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  1. A

    Rodbolt, will you take another look at my VMAX idle problem post updated as requ

    See problem noted several messages below
  2. A

    Yamaha VMAX Carb 150 - Idle Problems when hot

    Have an 2002 Yamaha 150 O/B. Just started using 3 weeks ago after sitting over Winter. Experiencing the following problem:<br /><br />Starts fine at launch, runs strong... let boat sit for a while after running for a while, starts up fine again.<br /><br />After running long period, shutting...
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    Yamaha VMAX Carb 150 - Idle Problems when hot

    Have an 2002 Yamaha 150 O/B. Just started using 3 weeks ago after sitting over Winter. Experiencing the following problem:<br /><br />Starts fine at launch, runs strong... let boat sit for a while after running for a while, starts up fine again.<br /><br />After running long period, shutting...
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    Yamaha VMAX 150 Idle Issues

    All,<br /><br />Have a 2 year old VMAX 150. Current problem: after running boat through out the day on the lake, it will not keep a steady idle and will shut off. Seems to happen after a long lake run of about 20 minutes or so, shut boat off, let it sit, then start, boat will no longer idle...