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  1. H


    Why should we store the out drive in the down position? just woundering. thank you.
  2. H

    timing markes

    I have a 1990 force 120 L drive, trying to time it but I was wondering if I just need to time the red slash on the flywheel with the red slash in the block? Sorry for such a dumb question, kind of new at this timing stuff.
  3. H

    120 timing

    I know I read on this form about timing my engine but I sure can't find it so I guess I had better ask the smart people on here again, sorry, I have a 120 chrysler force l drive 1990 that I need to check the timing on, could someone please walk me through the steps here again, I would greatly...
  4. H

    1990 120hp force i/o l drive

    Just woundered if someone out there hade a 120hp chrysler merc. I/o 4 cy 2 cycle l drive that could tell me the does and don'ts for this engine, and what I could expect for mph on the water. thank you.
  5. H

    low rpms

    I have a 1990 force 120hp I/O l drive that I can't get above 3700 rpms at wot, the linkage is all the way open so I was woundering if a 2 cycle can get out out of time.
  6. H

    outer ring

    Working on new seals on 1990 120 force l drive and can't find out how tight the last outer ring on the bearing carrier should be, can someone tell me what ya think, thanks a mil.
  7. H

    force 120 rpms.

    Could someone tell me what the max. rpms would be on 1990 force 120hp l drive? thanks.