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  1. B

    Trigger coil testing question

    So I would like to test my trigger coil and found this post from 2004.. old I know and I was wondering if I am doing this correctly here is the link So I think I did this correctly not sure tho so I...
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    Force 120 timing steps

    So I read online how to time my engine but just want to make sure that this is right... 1. Take off spark plug wires 2-4 and ground them out.... Cant I just unplug them and let them hang? 2 Plus timing light into #1 and set timing at cranking speed to 32 Degrees and 30 degrees running Is this...
  3. B

    Force 120 wont start

    I have a 94 Bayliner Capri 1800LS with a 120 Force and it wont start heres the story on this boat I bought it about a month ago because I wanted to get back into boating the guy I got it from in Ballard Took me out on the water with it and it ran fine started right up it. between 3/4 full...
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    thinking of switching Outboards

    So I just bought my first boat last weekend a 94 bayliner that has a 120 force 2stroke on it. The previous owner said it would bog down between 3/4 full throttle an he didn't know why just cylinder 2 has low compression. My friend is giving me a newer mercury 115 4 stroke that i would like to...
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    weight capacity 1994 18ft bayliner capri 1800ls

    So I'm new to the boating world and I cant seem to find online or on the boat where it says the max passenger/ gear weight capacity. Also it came with 120 force 2 stroke and I'm thinking of changing it out for a 115 Mercury 4 stroke how much stuff would I have to change any idea?