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  1. A

    AQ131 VP275 Oil In bellows

    Boat's been fighting me again this year. I still get a little oil in the antifreeze which I can deal with. New problem though. As I trailer my boat everywhere I noticed a small oil puddle dried to the concrete under the outdrive. Not a big deal as I own 3x GM products so they all tend to...
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    Help with AQ131 Oil in Antifreeze

    OK from the top. I am not new to working on cars or dealing with their issues but this one has me STUMPED ! 2 full years ownership with this boat ( 87 Bayliner Capri with the AQ131 / vp275 ). Bought the boat with no heat exchanger ( PO had it rigged up for direct fresh water cooling thru the...
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    aq131 no power after head swap

    Last fall boat worked great but I was getting oil in the antifreeze ( head gasket ). So far this spring the head has been removed, decked, and a valvejob. Re-installed with new timing belt, plugs, wires, cap & rotor. Carb was sprayed down with some cleaner but no adjustment made and...
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    aq131 timing issue / no start

    Some background information. Boat ran great last fall but I was getting small amounts of oil in the antifreeze. Fast forward to last week and I pulled the head, had it machined and #4 exhaust port repaired. Today I replaced the head and attached the intake, exhaust, carb and fuel pump to...
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    Automatic Fuse Replacement 841178 with generic ??

    Long time no post. Been having great fun with the boat. Lotsa great information here. I am elbows deep in a head gasket replacement on my aq131 / vp275. With the head off I decided to give the engine a "rattle can " rebuild. When removing the wiring I noticed that the wires to the fuse (...
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    AQ131a & Penta 275 Missing Cooling system ?? 1987 Bayliner Capri

    My First Post ! I have been trolling the forums for the last week or so trying to familiarize myself with my latest money-pit ! I picked up an 87 Bayliner Capri with the VP 2.3 AQ131a & 275 Sterndrive. We have put about 6 hrs of time on the lake with this machine and it has performed quite...