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  1. S

    Evinrude 15hp model year?

    Picked up a motor today to replace the 20hp that i find too heavy to lift (3 ruptured discs). It has a sticker plate on the mount bracket, with SE 15 RP LY as model and G03080077 as engine number. I cant find anything that matches that model number to give me a build date. I find it unusual as...
  2. S

    Evinrude 20 stalling

    So , my noisy 86-91 Evinrude 20, is now a little quieter for changing to a 50-1 fuel mix, but now i have an issue. The engine ran great on 100-1 mix, starts first pull and runs clean from tickover all the way to WOT. After changing the fuel mix, it often takes more than one pull to get it...
  3. S

    Evinrude 20hp ID

    Just picked up a really sweet running 20, which the previous owner says is from 1991. There is no numbers on whats left of the id tag on the engine mount, however there is a metal plate attatched to the bottom of the carb with the following inscription.... 396167 X MX 07 C L Its a longshaft...
  4. S

    Johnson 40 no spark!

    Greetings to all! Have just joined on good recomendation from another forum that i can probably get the help i need here. I have a Johnson 40 model 40 BA76R, which was a runner before being correctly laid up several years ago. I do not know what spare part availiablity is like, or if i should...