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  1. F

    any lake havasu boaters

    the lake havasu striper derby is coming up soon. May 18,19 2-man teams. been fishing it for the last 10 years and its always a blast. finished 10th out of over 220 teams 3 yrs ago. lots of prizes for top 10 and great raffle prizes including a new boat. you don't even have to catch a fish to...
  2. F

    ngk plug comparrison

    ngk bpz8h-n vs bp8h-n anybody have an opinion?
  3. F

    50hp merc need to incrase idle speed

    ive got a 2005 merc 50hp classic 2-stroke 3-cyl and i was wondering if there is a way to increase motor idle speed without messing with the carbs possibly with the throttle linkage.
  4. F

    need to increse rpm

    im currently using a 12 by 101/2 prop when i take out my 18ft pontoon to a higher elev. lake im losing rpm at top end 4800ideal is 5000-5500 if i use a 12 1/2 by 9 would that be to much gain of rpm thanx