Search results

  1. O

    Stripped gears on throttle advance system (10 H/P Chrysler outboard)

    I have acquired new gears for the above and had no trouble removing the worn gear on the driving shft ( handle end ). Problem is the driven gear is mounted in the portion of the handle attached to the engine and when you try and drive the roll pin out the whole assembly moves and absorbs the...
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    1968 Chrysler 9.9 O/B viability and value

    I have been offered a 9.9 1968 Chrysler O/B. I wondered if parts would be a significant problem if I happen to encounter problems. The gentelman who has it for sale says it was running well last season and has now been in the garage for 8 mos. He is proposing a price of $100.00. I have a 12 ft...
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    Proper shaft length

    I just bought a 12 ft. used aluminium boat and I need to know how far below the water the prop should be. I just joined the forum the other day and I am enjoying the threads immensly. Thanks to all the knowleable people out there for your helpfull info.
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    Year and model of harbercraft 12 ft tin boat

    I recently bought a 12 ft HARBERCRAFT aluminium cartop boat at a garage sale. The tag on the transom has the numbers237887. It has another impression MHS 12A. Yet another F 971. It states it will carry 625 lbs and maxes out at 10 H/P. The boat was built for sale by Sears in Canada and has a...