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  1. R

    Exhaust leak help

    I have a 1979 Cobalt with a Mercruiser 260 in it. My port exhaust manifold (part no 77234A7) has a crack in it and is leaking water. I am looking to order the parts to replace it and needed some advice. I think I will be getting this part from mallory ( Mercruiser Port Manifold V8 77234B ...
  2. R

    Is it a coupler or dog clutch?

    Hello all, I was bombing around on a local lake in my 19' 79 Cobalt OB with a mercruiser 260 this past week end when something happened. I was at WOT and everything was going great then the engine revved like when you put your car in neutral and give it some gas and I lost thrust. So, I put...