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  1. T

    Volvo Penta Water Pump

    I have a 1995 Volvo Penta SX drive with a 3.0 GS on a 175 Glastron. I am familiar with impeller water pumps in the outdrive of outboard engines. I know that a good rule of thumb is to replace these when in doubt of...previous owner...previous use...or after a few years of use. The...
  2. T

    Volvo Penta gimbal, u-joint and bellows replacement

    I have a '95 3.0 GS Volvo Penta with an SX outdrive. When I purchased the boat, I recognized a solid "thunk!" when putting the boat in forward or reverse and negotiated a decent price realizing there would be some repair costs. Just after the purchase, I found that the frond engine mount lag...