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  1. S

    Engine flooding after about 30 minutes running great! 1968 Evinrude 40HP Big Twin

    1968 Evinrude 40 HP Big Twin. Well, I'm back and more confused than ever. I had a problem with the engine running fine and then suddenly flooding. Then impossible to restart. I put in new plugs, points, condenser and rebuilt the carburater. I have pulled the intake manifold and checked the leaf...
  2. S

    Evinrude Big Twin 40 HP fouling one plug only

    I recently replaced the plugs, points and condensor. I did a pressure test on both cylinders and registered over 90 lbs on both. One pug is badlyfouled. The other is very clean. This was after only 10 minutes of running the engine in a water tank. What would cause on plug to foul and not the...