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  1. G

    2000 Mercury 25E hp

    :)Can anybody tell me how to, or give me a diagram on how to wire the electric start on a 2000 25 E Merc outboard motor?? Thank you, Jess:confused:
  2. G

    2000 Mercury 25 hp

    Doe's anybody have any pictures of what the shifting- throttle on the side of that motor looks like? Diagrams of shifting and throttle. Thankyou , Jess:confused:
  3. G

    1963 40 hp johnson,

    My 63 johnson outboard, is has plenty of power in nuetral, then in forward gear wide open act like its running on 1 cylinder. Anybody have any ideas at what going on there?:confused:Thanks Jess
  4. G

    Prop Qustion?

    I have 40 hp Johnson outboar that I want to change my pitch for a faster top end. My question is ok, my prop now is 10.5 by 12 inch so which way would I go with the pitch to get a high top end speed?:confused: Can anybody help me with that, Thank you, Jess
  5. G

    1963 40 hp johnson

    :(Can any body help me? My 40 hp johnson outboard runs great for a while on plane, then acts like it runs on 1 cylinder, shut it down for a few min then runs great for a bit then the same thing? There's one wire thant comes from the armature plat that don't know where it plugs into and I'm...