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  1. F

    86 mariner 150 HP poppit valve

    I changed the diaphram and gaskets now there is I guess a little relief hole in the houseing that continously spits water not a stream just spitting water at ideal have not takin boat out since replacing is this normal it is the 2 bolt type kind of round style please help
  2. F

    mariner problems

    I have an 86 mariner 150 HP boat ideals fine. But when I take of the motor sputters and then takes off once on plane it runs decent then starts to have a little surge.I have cleaned carbs and installed new fuel pump. Also when on plane at full throttle motor sends a solid beep alarm like its...
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    I have a 1986 cajun bass boat with a 1986 mariner 150h.p. motor turns fine at idle but on plane the motor turns great when going right but try and turn left and i have to muscle it. I have tried changing the angle on the little fin over the prop and i also lubed the steering rod the only thing i...
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    oil injection question

    I have an 86 mariner 150 I am looking for an oil injection delete kit if any one know where to find one
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    1986 mariner 150 alarms

    I am getting a warning alarm as soon as I fire up the motor and its a constant beeeeeep not a beep beep beep what could be the problem I have good water flow and i am getting oil to the motor also can I bypass the oil injection and mix my own gas and oil and at what ratio. Please help thanks
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    86 mariner 150hp no water flow

    I have changed the water pump and still have no flow where are the thermostat located and what else could be the problem
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    1986 mariner 150hp no spark

    I have a 86 mariner 150hp I have put a new stator and a new coil pack and new plug wires on the motor my problem is that I have spark on all plugs except the number 5 plug can someone please help.