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  1. B

    SUZUKI DT 65 Outboard Engine Harness

    Hi I was Given a Suzuki DT65 Outboard and controls<br />from a freind who picked it up at a yard sale.Everything checks out ok but the ignition switch is missing and the wires where cut.What I<br />need to find out is What color does what.Here Are <br />the colors of the wires:<br />1.Green<br...
  2. B

    SUZUKI DT 65 Outboard Engine Harness

    Hi I was Given a Suzuki DT65 Outboard and controls<br />from a freind who picked it up at a yard sale.Everything checks out ok but the ignition switch is missing and the wires where cut.What I<br />need to find out is What color does what.Here Are <br />the colors of the wires:<br />1.Green<br...