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  1. R

    old 6 cyl 115hp mercury starter drive

    Eng serial #5180926 need to know what year it is and need a part number for the starter drive.
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    90 hp mercury missing on 2 cyl.

    runs on bottom cyl only at idle. seems to hit sometimes on high rev. can u tell me where eng # is and if reed valves could be the problem. this is and old 90 hp 2 stroke engine with 3 carbs. bought old pontoon boat with this on it. need help.
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    Merc 100 hp Hard start.

    Re: Merc 100 hp Hard start. I have these two plates and don't really know which one goes on this engine.
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    Merc 100 hp Hard start.

    Re: Merc 100 hp Hard start. The number was right on the motor. here are some pictures, the trigger is bad, the wires are broken real close to the trigger. This trigger is horse shoe shaped, not a circle like some are. Maybe this will help. Do u know where i can find a new trigger for this dist...
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    Merc 100 hp Hard start.

    Old merc 100 hp, engine #2930983 . Starts good and then may run good for a while and then dies all of a sudden. Pulled coil wire and fires as soon as u hit the starter and the quits firing while engine is spinning. Sometimes will run for 30 min. and other times will quit firing and will not...
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    Roadstarmoney-Wiring Harness

    I have an old 16 ft Orlando Clipper serial #578 with an inline 6 cyl 100 hp mercury motor serial #2930983 that i need a wiring harness and the 4 switches that are in the shifter housing. The switches are the ign switch, push button choke switch, neutral safety switch, and another switch that i...
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    prop change

    i have a 2004 tahoe 19 ft with a 4.3 with alpha one and want to change prop for more top speed. WOT is 5000 rpms at 49 mph. i have a 21 pitch 3 blade prop and am thinking of replacing it with a 23 pitch 4 blade solas amita prop. does this sound like the right pitch to buy and is the solas amita...
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    Power steering

    Just bought an 04 q4 and power steering IS VERY STIFF. Fluid full. Boat had been sitting up for 2 yrs. Anyone have any ideas. Thought maybe bad pump?IT HAS THE MERC 4.3 AND ALPHA OUTDRIVE. THE STEERING WORKS EASIER WHEN THE BOAT IS TURNED OFF WHEN YOU CRANK IT THE STEERING IS ALOT STIFFER